Susie, whose son, Ismael was found to have a fatal heart disease and died two days after birth
“I have been so fortunate to be able to carry you in my womb for seven months, to suffer with you and for you, to pray to God that I might not have to say goodbye to you,” she wrote. “I have loved you from the beginning, not concerned about what you might be like, but accompanying you despite knowing how much the loss of you would hurt me.
“… the pain and emptiness of my heart is immense. But I would willingly live through this all over again to know you, to love you, to hope against all hope, and cradle you in my arms and bathe your little face with my tears,” she continued.
Sam Barry, Glamour’s Editor in Chief
“On May 25 I refreshed my news feed frantically to find out the results of an historic election in my home country of Ireland. Then, there it was: The electorate had overwhelmingly voted to repeal the Eighth Amendment, decriminalizing abortion there. I screamed with joy and pride.”
Today, I read two articles one after the other but what a contradiction in terms of women. To be honest I cannot imagine, any woman even those who support abortion, “screaming with joy” that a country has withdrawn the mantle of legal protection from its tiniest member, the child before birth. Neither can I imagine any woman “screaming with joy” at the freedom to have her child killed.
Maybe, I just do not understand the mentality that would champion the freedom to kill one’s own child rather than challenge society to serve women better. I hope all the men in my life will understand what I am trying to say when I say that abortion is very much a male response to the perceived problem of unexpected pregnancy. You have a problem -unexpected pregnancy – then fix it – abortion. This has not been the female way of dealing with the challenges that arise during our lives. Women usually talk it out – we face the facts look at the options, cry a lot, share a lot and generally find non-violent solutions together while supporting whoever is struggling.
At what time in history, other than ours, would a mother fight to be allowed to kill her child because she became pregnant after sexual intercourse? It is not like you can catch pregnancy from someone – you actually have to make some choices. Even in the horrendous cases of rape or incest, in the very rare instance of pregnancy, the child is not the aggressor but another innocent just like the girl/woman.
So, the “scream of joy’, is in order that some women (1 in 5) want to kill their child, if they are studying at the time of their pregnancy or having trouble with their partner, their employment, their finances or they are too young, scared or confused or just plain do not want to be pregnant. How is it that abortion is the answer to all these challenges in life when its direct intent is actually only to kill your child? Your finances do not change, and nor do any of the other struggles you might be experiencing only your child is gone. I remember several occasions, while trying to provide support for young women who were pregnant unexpectedly. The topic would come up regarding their partners and the one answer to many posed questions would be “because he is a jerk”. I would respond, has he always been a jerk and most often the response would be “well yes”.
After a moment’s reflection I would say. Would you mind if I asked you something? What would you think of a woman who knew a guy was a jerk and still went to bed with him? In most cases they would look at me and we would both burst out in laughter – She’s a jerk!!!!!
Seriously though, why is it that one in five women would rather kill their child, than demand that society, make guys – they are not men – that indiscriminately father children, be responsible for that child. Why would they not rather fight for flexible work hours than the right to kill their child? If they are prevented going up that corporate ladder well that would be a fight worth having – but instead they fight to kill their child in order to ascend. If they are at school or university, why would these same women not demand flex study programmes that do not penalize them because of absences due to pregnancy? If their partner is the problem then we should demand better and prompter assistance for these women. Sadly though we are living in a time when many women believe that they should be able to kill every child in the womb they wish to until they are ready to raise a specific child- well how fair, just or right is that?
There is also a deeper problem with these women in the sense that they will fight for abortion and hide the truth of the harm that abortion does to our bodies, minds and spirits. You just have to go to abortion advocate websites to see it. However, the evidence is oh so very clear and I will be glad to provide it to anyone who asks. So where do we go from here? We obviously have two types of women, the one shown so very clearly in Ismael’s mother Susie who knew from the start that her little one was in trouble but who supported and carried him until his natural death occurred – knowing all the time he would be lost to her. Then we have the women like Sam Barry who scream with joy that Irish women can now kill their children in the womb.
We are told in Sam Barry’s letter that, “Her magazine will publish a September issue called “This Time It’s Personal,” which will highlight concerns about women’s health in the upcoming midterms”, I will hold my breath to see if the “concerns about women’s health” will include information regarding induced abortion and heightened risk of breast cancer, premature delivery, and other emotional, physical and psychological health problems that are inherent to this barbaric procedure.
I still wonder when the voices of women like Susie will drown out the strident voice of those like Sam Barry – a tale of two types of women certainly but also a tale of changing womanhood. Life can be tragic, and we may all wish circumstances might be different but actually choosing to kill your child and fighting to be able to do so for decades has tarnished womanhood and split us asunder. Ms Barry abortion has always been personal – the destruction of the mother child bond. Our children have been the victims of abortion, abandoned by society’s laws and medical profession and more profoundly by the mothers who carry them. Now we have abandoned women to abortion and its dreadful outcomes for many of them. Women need to get back to responding the way we have always done to life’s crises – head on and together, finding non-violent answers and walking with each other. I will wait for the day that all women will again have Susie’s heart – maybe then we will find a truly female answer to the challenges of unexpected pregnancy and I promise you induced abortion will not be among them.
“I have been so fortunate to be able to carry you in my womb for seven months, to suffer with you and for you, to pray to God that I might not have to say goodbye to you,” she wrote. “I have loved you from the beginning, not concerned about what you might be like, but accompanying you despite knowing how much the loss of you would hurt me.
“… the pain and emptiness of my heart is immense. But I would willingly live through this all over again to know you, to love you, to hope against all hope, and cradle you in my arms and bathe your little face with my tears,”