Below is our executive directors response to the letter to the editor re: Dear Editor, It seems that throughout the world there is a campaign to convince women and the general public that swallowing abortion pills is a normal and safe practice that we should all embrace as freeing for women. I am a […]
Response to PM’s statement regarding the Aga Khan’s Birthday Statement
Dear Prime Minister, I am writing to you regarding the following lines in your statement on the occasion of the Aga Khan’s Birthday. “His dedication to bridge building and message of compassion offers a way forward. He reminds us all of our common humanity, and that the measure of success is not what we achieve […]
Aborted Fetal Human DNA in Common Vaccines
Is the Morning After Pill Safe?
A tale of two types of women
Please cry for Argentina
PLEASE CRY FOR ARGENTINA Fake Science vs Real Science Kornblihtt’s fake abortion “testimony” in Argentina; Why did he really “testify”? By Prof. Dr. Dianne N. lrving, M.A., Ph.D. copyright July 20, 2018 “When _I_ use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more […]
Conduct Unbecoming
Approximately two weeks ago I sent the newly published Abortion Worldwide Report to every MP in Canada on behalf of our provincial board, our member groups across Ontario, the thousands of their members and on behalf of every pro-life Canadian. This initiative is part of the educational portion of a wider campaign entitled The Petition of […]
29th Annual General Meeting and Conference
Please join us for our 29th Annual General Meeting and Conference on Saturday June 23rd at the Holiday Inn and Conference Centre, Scottsdale Drive, Guelph Ontario Click here to download our poster and to register. See schedule below: A human being is a human being no matter how… 9.15am-10.45am AFLO Annual General Meeting Break 11.00am- 12.30pm Dr. Theresa […]
New Commercial Focusing on Pressure to Abort
Many women faced with an unwanted pregnancy may view abortion as their only solution. They may lack moral and practical support from their family and friends. Statistics indicate that women who have had abortions were encouraged to do so by boyfriends or parents. According to the Elliot Institute, “Up to 64 percent of abortions […]
The King’s Good Servant, But God’s First
Dear Prime Minister, If you have a moment you might be interested in seeing the clip on the facebook page below. While Mr Trump has his critics he knows he has a duty to protect the life of all US citizens including those in the womb and also to respect the worldview of pro-life […]